October 16th, 2021

On behalf the AFSC I would like to take this opportunity to specially thank the AFSC INTERNATIONAL ONLINE FENG SHUI SUMMIT key-note speaker Grandmaster Dr Lily Chung, and all the guest speakers Master Perrie Burton, Master Lee Cheng Hoe, Master Judith Eugenio, Ms Judith Marie Eugenio, Master Lilian Heng, Master Jo Ching, Grand Master Mimi Moorhouse, Nicole Bijlsma Ph.D., Dr Scott Ling, Master Jan Leese, Master Sidhi Wiguna Teh, Master Goh Guan Leong and Master João Borges. Your outstanding presentations have made this 1st ONLINE AFSC SUMMIT a very special and unforgettable occasion. In today’s digital Feng Shui world, your dynamic and in-depth knowledge of metaphysics are eye openers for all of us. Your professional online presentations have made this online AFSC SUMMIT very successful.

Thank you very much to all our Australian and International members of the AFSC and thank you to over hundreds of the public audiences. Your participation in the 1st ONLINE AFSC SUMMIT was the biggest support for us. We hope you enjoyed absorbing the insights and knowledge of Feng Shui, and you will greatly benefit from the speakers’ tutelage. Also, you are all very welcome to subscribe to the AFSC newsletter, and to become associate members of the AFSC. Please visit the training calendar page at the www.afsc.org.au. The AFSC have more exciting upcoming Feng Shui events. Stay with the AFSC for your Feng Shui journey, you’re never alone!

Thank you so much indeed for the backbone support from the founder of the AFSC Liz Wiggins, and Master Gayle Atherton, Master Jodi Brunner, Master Perrie Burton. For the organization of the 2021 ONLINE AFSC SUMMIT we thank Master Jancy Lew, Master Mina Zheng, legal adviser Thao Le, co-emcees Fran Gleeson and Dean French, and all the members of the AFSC 2020/21 and 2021/22 Committees of Management. All their hard work added a new success to the AFSC history.

Thank you very much again to you all!

Master Kony Kang 康可易
President of the AFSC

  • Grandmaster Dr. Lily Chung

    I-Ching & Bazi

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.Lily Chung, Ph.D. (Geography, University of Minnesota, United States), taught college geography in the United States & Hong Kong, and metaphysics (Feng Shui, divination, I Ching) in San Francisco City College, held workshops in Europe, Canada and the United States since 1996. She is also a lecturer on life-enrichment Feng Shui on cruise lines. A columnist of metaphysics since 2003 in several newspapers, Lily currently writes for the California Property Guide (in San Francisco) & www.womensradio.com. Lily has used metaphysics and natural laws in the I Ching to help thousands of people understand their life energy, achieving harmony by attuning to the cosmic energy system and following natural laws. She is currently residing in the Bay Area of California, practicing and tutoring Chinese metaphysics.

  • Master Jo Ching

    Xuan Kong Liu Fa & Flying Stars

    Master Jo Ching – the founder and principal of Destiny Academy – provides trainings and private coaching to enthusiasts and practitioners who strive to excel and break through in the field of Chinese Metaphysics. His students come from Singapore, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, America, Russia, Ukraine, India, Romania, Thailand, Philippines, Cambodia and etc.

    Master Jo, a San Yuan master by training, is often sought after by MNCs, business owners and C-suite executives for his expertise in helping them to boost their wealth, career and health luck. Master Jo, who authors the book “Qi Men Dun Jia – The Ancient Art of War at your Fingertips”, is currently regarded as an expert and trusted authority in the Feng Shui industry globally. Besides Qi Men Dun Jia, he is also teaching the following subjects:

    Landform Study and Yin Feng Shui, Xuan Kong 64 Hexagrams Feng Shui System, Xuan Kong Liu Fa System, Flying Stars & Qi Men Feng Shui Systems, Ba Zi, Face Reading (European & Chinese), Classical Astrology & Vedic Astrology, King Wen & Plum Blossom Yi Jing Divination Systems, Various Date Selection Systems, Chinese Name Calculation System.

  • Master Goh Guan Leong

    Bazi in 2022

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.A fengshui master of Way Fengshui Group since 2004, Master Goh Guan Leong specialises in bazi and fengshui consultation. Under the mentorship of Grand Master Tan Khoon Yong and Master Chew Keat Leng, he has taught many bazi and fengshui courses, and is also a well-received author.

    Master Goh’s outstanding talks at the International Feng Shui Convention (IFSC) since 2004 affirmed his role as a proficient public speaker. Other notable events where he provided life analysis services include the Singapore 2006 IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings and Singapore APEC 2009. With his wealth of knowledge on Destiny Analysis, Master Goh is also a lecturer at Way Fengshui Academy. He has been accredited as Master by the International Feng Shui Association (IFSA) and now holds the position of Honorary Secretary at IFSA.

    Since 2005, Master Goh Guan Leong has helped more than 20,000 families name their little bundles of joy, forging unbreakable familial bonds in the process. Master Goh Guan Leong’s expertise will help you pursue a truly fulfilling life – from advising your home’s optimal fengshui, selecting a name that complements your Bazi, to mapping a suitable career for you. Under the mentorship of Grand Master Tan, Master Goh has tirelessly cultivated an ever-wider range of proficiencies, and is always on the lookout for new knowledge.

  • Master Lilian Heng

    Zi Wei Dou Shu

    Description goes hereLilian Heng is the founder and trainer of Lilian Metaphysics Science. She is also the author for Star of Life. She discovered her passion for Chinese Metaphysics after experiencing adversities in her life. Her strong desires to improve her life began in 2006 when she discovered her own destiny. She delved deeper into the field and developed a strong interest in the art of Chinese Metaphysics.

    Lilian’s work and research include I Ching, Feng Shui, Zi Wei Dou Shu and Face Reading. Her relentless attitude and her pursuit of the knowledge have expanded further and she continues to explore, practice and gain insights from her discoveries and exposure. Lilian has reached out to many people in different countries. She helps clients to liberate from their worries and to share with them the nature of changes in a person’s destiny.

    Lilian’s dedication and strong determination have contributed to her success today. Aside from being a renowned practitioner, she is also a successful businesswoman with over 30 years of experience as an entrepreneur. This unique perspective enables her to relate to the challenges faced by her clients and allows her to provide appropriate advice to help them achieve their success.

  • Nicole Bijlsma

    Modern Feng Shui

    Nicole Bijlsma is a building biologist, bestselling author, PhD candidate and CEO of the Australian College of Environmental Studies (est.1999) which runs nationally accredited courses in Feng Shui and Building Biology. Nicole is the founder of the Building Biology movement in Australia which was created to educate people about the health hazards in the built environment. Nicole has lectured at tertiary institutions for 30 years, is a researcher who has published in peer reviewed journals and is regularly consulted by the media to discuss mould, electromagnetic fields and toxic chemicals, and lectures in Australia and abroad about environmental health issues.

  • Dr Scott Ling

    TradiItonal Chinese Medicine

    Dr Scott Ling is a Chief Acupuncturist & Chinese Medicine practitioner. Dr Ling’s extensive qualifications include a Master of Reproductive Medicine from RMIT as well as a Bachelors and PhD from top Chinese universities. His passion for helping patients is second to none.

    Due to his unique medical background, Dr Ling’s approach stresses on the integration of Chinese and Western medicine to ensure patients get the greatest benefits from the best of both medical systems. Before he migrated to Melbourne with his family, he ran a busy medical clinic in Malaysia.

    Using the best of both medical systems, Dr Ling aims to help you and your family stay in balance and in harmony.

  • Master Perrie Burton

    Xuan Kong Flying Stars Case Study

    Master Perrie Burton is one of only two FSRC Feng Shui Masters in Australia that is one of the highest international Feng Shui accreditation. FSRC is headed by the most respected Master Joseph Yu, he has a background in Physics and Mathematics from the University of Hong Kong. Perrie has studied and practiced Feng Shui all over Australia, Singapore , Hong-Kong, Malaysia and United Arab Emirates (Dubai). Perrie is the principal of the Feng Shui Gold Coast Academy and manages her own consultancy firm ‘Feng Shui Gold Coast ‘.

    Perrie stepped down from the Australian Feng Shui Consultants Association after serving as President from 2015 to 2019.

  • Master Lee Cheng Hoe

    I-Ching & Feng Shui

    Master Lee Cheng Hoe is an engineer by profession, with a First Class Honours degree in Mechanical Engineering from an established university in the United Kingdom, University of Strathclyde with a scholarship and he was a Dean List Student. He used to be an engineer and manager with an MNC. Currently Master Lee is a full time Feng Shui consultant as well as an active blogger, maintaining a blog that features a handful collection of Chinese astrology information. Master Lee is also well known as an author, speaker and trainer in oriental astrology. He is also a Feng Shui, I-Ching and Chinese History Youtuber.

    Upon graduation, Master Lee has started his research in oriental astrology and he has been in the industry for more than 15 years. Master Lee has published a few books which are available in the form of e-book or physical form in the home page of www.penangfengshui.com.

    He always make the complicated Feng Shui and I-Ching theories into an easier way to understand in a scientific way.

  • Feng Shui Master Judith Eugenio & Architect Judith Marie Eugenio

    Landform Feng Shui

    Energy + Technology. Meet the working duo that balances the alignment of a property’s Feng Shui whilst ensuring and maintaining its structural integrity.

    Master Judith Eugenio is a Feng Shui practitioner for over 10 years. Currently based in Cebu, Philippines, she received her direct tutelage under Master Kevin Foong of Kevin Foong Feng Shui Academy Singapore and is one of the most sought after professional Feng Shui and Bazi consultant in the Philippines.

    Master Judith Eugenio expertise lies in San He Feng Shui techniques that balance the energy via landform Feng Shui. A practitioner of Qi Men Dun Jia, Face Reading as well as Bazi analysis.

    She is currently representing Kevin Foong Feng Shui Academy in the Philippines. Some of her classical Feng Shui practice includes Emperor landform Feng Shui Technique, Yin Yang Bazi, Qi Men Dun Jia, San Yuan Yuan Gua 64 Hexagram, and Xuan Kong Da Gua.

  • Master João Borges

    Yin Zhai (Grave) Feng Shui for the West

    João is a Feng Shui Consultant and teacher with 30 years experience in the field. He studied extensively first modern Feng Shui and then classical Feng Shui from various masters. He currently specializes in Xuan Kong Flying Star, 64 Hexagrams & Date Selection. Having a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering he enjoys to be involved in the design of buildings from the beginning to maximize the potential of auspicious qi and bring in long-lasting prosperity, health and wealth to a business, family or individual.

    Joao is a student of Master Francis Leyau and also one of the rare practitioners to have knowledge of yin zhai in the West (Feng Shui for graves). Other areas of interest include the study of the I Ching and Bazi. He runs the National Portuguese School of Feng Shui since 1997, one of the largest and oldest schools in Europe. He is also president of the Portuguese Feng Shui Associatio. He has a selected list of Feng Shui clients in Europe and Asia and travels internationally to teach and lecture. He is the author of “The Great Book of the I Ching”.

  • Grandmaster Mimi Moorhouse

    Auspicious Date Selections & Xuan Kong Da Gua

    Mimi Tsang Moorhouse was born in Hong Kong by Chinese parentage. Mimi has been exposed to Feng Shui from a very young age as a part of the deep-rooted Chinese culture and the daily way of life. The interest of broadening Mimi’s native instinct knowledge of Feng Shui was sparked by the chance meeting of a Yin (Burial Site) Feng Shui master while seeking a suitable burial site for her mother that was “Peaceful for the dead and Prosperous for the descendants”!

    Mimi has finally become a disciple of Sifu (Master) Yap Cheng Hai from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Sifu Yap Cheng Hai; who has turned 85 this year; is highly regarded as one of the few special Grand Masters in the Feng Shui world. Through years of teaching internationally; Sifu Yap Cheng Hai is totally adored by his 3000 plus international students for his happy and witty personality and his passion of teaching his vast knowledge of Classical Chinese Feng Shui; particularly his “Water Dragon”, a special water formula method for inviting wealth.

    Mimi has also additionally studied in private as a disciple of another well recognized Classical Feng Shui Sifu (Master) George K C Lau from Hong Kong. Sifu Lau is currently the 71st generation of Han Wu Pai (Association) San Yuen Feng Shui. He carries the duty as “Grand Master in Command” for his Pai, which was passed down from his father as a family tradition. San Yuen Feng Shui has taken Mimi into a different dimension in understanding the manipulation of Feng Shui formulae under the influence of Time, Location and the Power of Mountains and Water.

    By 2007, Mimi established her school Feng Shui – International School of Metaphysics (Feng Shui-ISM!!!). She also began teaching and sharing her broad eclectic knowledge base in Feng Shui and various Metaphysical subjects at the same year. By 2007, Mimi established her school Feng Shui – International School of Metaphysics (Feng Shui-ISM!!!). She also began teaching and sharing her broad eclectic knowledge base in Feng Shui and various Metaphysical subjects at the same year.

  • Simon Brown

    Practical Art of Face Reading

    Simon is a Feng Shui, macrobiotic and face reading author, teacher and consultant. He is the author of The Feng Shui Bible, Modern Day Macrobiotics, Macrobiotics For Life and The Secrets of Face Reading as well as the Practical Art of Face Reading. Simon provides online and in person macrobiotic consultations and courses from London and Lisbon. He studied face reading and macrobiotics from 1980 with Michio Kushi, Aveline Kushi and Shizuko Yamamoto as well as Feng Shui with Takashi Yoshikawa. Simon has served as chair of the Feng Shui Society and chair of the Macrobiotic Association. Simon runs online Face Reading, Feng Shui and Macrobiotic Trainings.

  • Master Sidhi Wiguna Teh

    Feng Shui & Architecture

    Dr. (candidate). Ir. Sidhi Wiguna Teh, M.T., Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai’s disciple, Architect and Urban Planner from the University Tarumanagara (UNTAR), Lecturer of Feng Shui & Architecture at the UNTAR.

    Sidhi has succeeded in bringing the science of Feng Shui into a course at the Architecture major, University Tarumanagara since 2004 until now.

    Sidhi was also a speaker at a panel discussion at the 3rd International Feng Shui Convention in 2006 in Singapore, a Guest Speaker at The 1st International Feng Shui Culture Conference 2010 in Gan Zhou, China, and a Speaker at the 2nd International Feng Shui Culture Conference 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

    Sidhi has been a Special Staff of the Governor of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province for the Development Sector and Head of the Architectural Undergraduate Program at the Department of Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, University Tarumanagara. Currently, Sidhi is an respectful Feng Shui Arch adviser to several large corporations in Indonesia and is continuing his doctoral of architecture with research related to Feng Shui and Architecture.

  • Master Jan Leese

    A Feng Shui Story of Two Homes

    Master Jan Leese is the founder of The Qi Consultant a firm based in Australia conducting Classical Feng Shui Audits for homes and businesses and Bazi readings. Born in the Central Africa Jan quickly learnt how strongly the environment influences our lives. Now living in tropical North Queensland Jan loves sharing her knowledge and experience with the local community as well as her clients elsewhere in Australia and around the world.

    When Classical Feng Shui helped her young ill son in the early 1990s, she began her journey into Chinese Metaphysics. Learning from specialised schools, Masters and Grand Masters has given her many tools in her kit to help her clients. As a public speaker, feng shui columnist and lover of all Chinese Metaphysics topics, Jan is a lifelong student in this incredibly powerful art and science.


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